Archive for the ‘Discussion’ Category

In a few exchange of words, friends were made and bonds ensured. Laughter shared, jokes traded, smiles across the room and thoughts that lingers till the next morning. It feels beautiful to be loved. To those who’s been there and back again, we can never get enough of it. Surrounded by troubles mounting seemed so […]

Come rain or shine, I still love the weather here. It has been raining for three straight days and I can’t get my laundry done because everyone else is hogging the goddamn washing machine, and dryer. Though I don’t understand why I’m complaining about things like these when I should be ranting about petty things? […]

Tiny People


Imagine throwing yourself into the ocean of the unknown, knowing that you will be surrounded by fluids that may harm you, as one might say; taking the leap of faith. Do or die. Is there really such choices? For I refuse, I refuse, and I will repeatedly refuse to accept that I am not able […]

Yes, it was intended and I didn’t know Lady Gaga sang the song. I liked it. Anyways, the topic of the day would be is it possible to have the same exact personality of another person? I mean, like there another doppelganger personality out there. The kind of person who reminds you, no you’d even […]

Being Dead


You can’t kick a dead person because it’s like kicking a flesh of your own, now it’s just a piece of meat. And what would you do with a meat? You eat it. Or choose not to. Well, I feel dead. I mean dead everywhere; maggots are eating my insides and I no longer feel […]